Private Chat With Friends Using Command Prompt

Learn how to do private chat with your friend using command prompt at windows PC.

Follow my steps to chat with your friend:

  • Ask your friend's IP address with whom you want to chat.
  • Open the notepad in your PC.
  • Copy the code below and paste into the Notepad.
  • @echo off
    echo MESSENGER
    set /p n=User:
    set /p m=Message:
    net send %n% %m%
    Goto A

  •  And save this as "Messenger.bat".
  • Now close the notepad.
  • Now run the file you saved (Messenger.bat).
  • Now enter your friend's IP and then message/text and hit Enter.
  • Now the message will sent to your friend PC's. And a popup window will open in your friend PC's with your message. He/She can reply your message, and Start Chatting
Hope you learnt....
If you have any doubt related tech plzz comment down...

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